Creative Movement Lab Classes
Our Classes
Classes at Dance IQ are scaffold in a transitional design to allow for challenges appropriate for each child’s level and dance experience. All classes are conducted under the National Standards of the National Dance Education Organization.

Creative Movement (co-ed 3-4 years old)
Creative Dance is an opportunity to master gross locomotor movement skills and coordination through fun and play. Many children begin here before moving onto creative movement improvisation.

Creative Movement Improvisation (co-ed 5-7 years old)
The children will learn concepts on space (levels, pathways, general and personal space), body, relationships, energy, and rhythm, which are prerequisites to choreography. They will learn coordination, gross locomotor and non-locomotor movement, teamwork, cooperation, how to compromise, and how to communicate. This movement will translate into choreography. No prerequisite.
Creative Movement & Modern Dance
Classes at Dance IQ are scaffold in a transitional design to allow for challenges appropriate for each child’s level and dance experience. All classes are conducted under the National Standards of the National Dance Education Organization. Dance IQ provides a safe environment where children have the freedom of expression and curiosity to explore moving in space as they develop choreography skills. Building performance skills and audience etiquette is a part of every class. Learning dance at Dance IQ is a complete dance education. As a recommendation, classes are designed to be repeated for three to six sessions before students advance to the next level.

Modern Dance Improvisation (co-ed 7-9 years old)
Dancers explore energy efforts (flow vs. bound, sudden vs. sustained, direct vs. indirect, and light vs. strong), space, and time as they learn the kinetics while gaining flexibility and increased coordination. Dance skills and content are developed through expressing ideas, feelings, narration, and movement phrases for choreography. No prerequisite.

Tween Modern Dance Improvisation (co-ed 10-13 years old)
This course is designed for dancers new to improvisation. Dancers will learn concepts unique to modern dance while creating choreography skills while having fun in a safe and social environment. No prerequisite.

Creative Movement Lab classes allow the children to be expressive in a safe and non-competitive environment.
“I am Sal Sardisco’s step mom, and I wanted to tell you that he loves your class. He asked if we could buy tap shoes, so we went on Friday and got him his own pair of shoes. He said you are the best dancer he has ever seen. I showed him the survey you sent out and told him you were getting your graduate degree, and he was very impressed. Just wanted you to know I am in awe of the fact that you can get a nine-year-old boy that excited about dance.”Thanks so much! Heather
“My daughter, Leah, cannot wait to attend dance class with you, Mrs. Alisa. She lights up with joy and excitement when it’s time for class. She continues to grow and thrive under your informative and compassionate instruction. We love the way you teach! Using familiar language to help her remember has been so effective. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for empowering my daughter for the last 5 years with the confidence to perform, see dance and movement as a way to express herself, to achieve goals, and most of all to believe in herself!”Jackie Davis